The Indian Removal Act of 1830 and what it did to tribes in NC

The Ohio River Valley Sioux became so large in population that their settlements spread to the eastern slopes of the Allegheny Mountains, in what is now Virginia and West Virginia. During this time, the Tutelo/Saponi and other tribes related to the Sioux made first contact with European colonists. Because of attacks by the Iroquois from the north, these Siouian tribes were forced to move to North Carolina.
The language spoken by the Siouian tribes was Tutelo, and a part of the people called the Tutelo, while others call themselves by other names, including Saponi.
In 1711, Governor Alexander Spotswood of Virginia offered sanctuary to the Tutelo and related tribes, who were still being attacked by the Iroquois. The sanctuary was located at Fort Christanna, Virginia. So the people returned to Virginia. The Iroquois attacks stopped at the signing of the Treaty of 1722.
The tribe began to move north to Pennsylvania and New York under pressure from white settlers coming into Virginia.
The Indian Removal Act became law. This law made it legal to remove Native Americans from their land in the southeast. Indians were rounded up by soldiers and forced to march long distances to reservations. Many Indians died on these journeys.
Because of the Indian Removal Act, many Native Americans began to refer to themselves as "colored" or "mulatto" to avoid removal. Therefore, the former Saponi were forced to take English names.
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