Adjusting to life after deployment with help from Just Military Loans

I was recently contacted by Judy from Just Military Loans about this awesome project they have been working on! They have been interviewing soldiers all across the country so they could share their stories (and struggles and advice) about returning home. The response has honestly been incredible, and this week we are proud to announce the release of The Transition Project: Adjusting To Life After Deployment.  The whole process has been… amazing. The interviews brought out so much, and they included several active servicemen, wives holding the fort at home, and a mother’s perspective. Several also sent awesome pictures from when they reunited with their families.

Just Military Loans are excited about this encouraging Project and our goal is to continually expand it.

Just Military Loans, a trusted military lender, is excited to honor the sacrifice of returning soldiers and their family members by introducing The Transition Project – a series of articles written from the hearts of those who have been deployed, who stayed behind, and who dearly love a soldier.
The series showcases heart-felt stories from top military bloggers, highlights 8 Key Challenges deployed personnel and their families face, and Tips to Ease the Transition.

 About Just Military Loans

Just Military Loans is proud to offer a 100% exclusive and unconditional guarantee on all of our Military Loans. Click "Read More" to learn all about the satisfaction guarantee offered on all of Just Military Loans financial services.


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