What does family mean to me?

In the series pilot, Dean and Sam Winchester lose their mother to a demon. At the beginning of Season 2, the brothers face an equally tragic loss when their father, John, sacrifices himself to save his children.  Throughout the season both brothers deal with this loss while coming to terms with what it means to be a family through humor. What does family mean to you?

At the moment I can't think of any funny stories like the Dean Brother's. I was looking through my family photos and realized how the years have just flown by. In August it will be 11 years since I started my "chosen" family. There are two families that are given to you, the one you are born in and the one that you chose. I love that statement from “Army Wives”. That is so true. Family can mean a lot of different things to so many people. It can also stir up feelings of love, joy, and comfort as well as hate, bitterness and friction. What does it bring up for you? 

Family was meant to bring happiness to you. The thought of a group of people totally in love with one another, willing to lay down their lives for each other and showing this in all they say and do, is what family is all about. This is what family is all about. Now please don’t get me wrong, we all have some family members that jut love to cause drama.

If you don’t have a family yet, don’t give up hope. Remember, no one is promised tomorrow. There is no better way to live than to die with no regrets; this is living to the fullest every single day. Take time to smell the roses, seize the moment and savor it. Nothing here lasts forever.

So what does family mean to you? Family to me is everything I could have imagined. As I sit here and cherish each moment I have with my family together I am pretty happy. With all the rollercoaster’s I have been on, I wouldn’t change this life for a moment! 

Order your copy of Supernatural: The Complete Second Season on Blu-ray here today: http://bit.ly/k3Lbpz !

- The following disclosure within your blog: “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Supernatural: The Complete Second Season on Blu-ray.


  1. Family and Supernatural in the same sentence equals LOVE. My family loves this show and we always DVR it,so we can sit down as a family and watch it together.:)
    Love your blog, saw your post on the blogaholic and I am a new follower. I have a book review blog, since reading is my passion.


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