Crazy Last Couple of Weeks

So I finished my thesis! YEA I am officially graduating, I didn't want to put it out there until I knew for sure! So I have gotten a lot of invitations to meet different people at different locations and I AM TOTALLY HAPPY, so my mom got her invitation to the luncheon, and it is really pretty...I am EXCITED almost less than two weeks. So This week has been AWESOME!

Look at how Awesome GOD is, and what he has done for me this week. I got a invitation to the White House to have a Mother's Day Tea with the First Lady, I got an invitation to meet Senator Hagan in her DC office, I got Easter Egg Roll tickets, I passed my thesis! I got into the milblog finalist! I am so thankful for all this!


  1. Congratulations on all your great accomplishments and opportunities. Your hard work definitely paid off.

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  2. Congrats!!! I'm glad you are having such a great week!

  3. awesome God indeed. so happy for you.

    love this site - followed through GFC and network blog.


  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    What was your thesis on?

    Sounds like you're on a roll! Congratulations :) Hope you get to post pictures of your tea!


  5. God is good all the time, congratulations! found you on bloggy moms and following you now :)

    here's my blog: Diary Of The Forgotten Princess

  6. grats!! :D your tea with the first lady should be awesome!!

  7. Awesome!!! I found you on the Blog Hop please follow

  8. wow! awesome, congrats!!

    new follower for the blog hop. be sure to enter our Alexa Hop this week:

  9. Congratulations on all of the blessings in your life! Good things truly happen to good people. Happy Easter!

  10. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Congrats, so glad you are being recognized for all that you do! God Bless and thanks for following!
    Melissa King

  11. Congrats!! I'm honored to be a finalist with so many other great blogging finalists!! Good luck and may God continue to bless you!!

  12. Wow! Big big for you! Congratulations on everything! :)

  13. Crazy Last Couple of Weeks
    <-- that's what i was looking for
    Thesis Dissertation


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