August a month for changes

Yesterday was a great day, I got paid from my new job.

It was my 11th Anniversary, it was also a sad day. The SUV that Dany and I got together, my first car 11 years ago, I sold it to my next door neighbor. IT was really sad to watch someone else drive off in it. That car has had so many memories, of trips to GA, KS, TX, all over the eastern part of the US and MidWest.

My oldest daugther Catherine is 10 and she is now in the tween phases of life, it is sad and happy to see her grow, I remember when she was born, I remember in Aug 2001, Dany was deployed and I was driving back and forth from GA to NC to visit family and get her shots, 11 years ago today I was the newly married Dany Cavalier excited awaiting my new Army adventure, enjoying life 21 years old, young didn't have a care in the world. 10 years ago this time I was tending to my new baby (Cat). Wow time really flies. Things change


  1. My hubby is going to BCT in Oct.(this year) so I am on the cusp of my new Army Adventures at the moment. He's also Tanker, which is what attracted my attention to your blog.
    What is the best thing about being an army wife (tanker's wife)? And I see soooo many ppl that do NOT take advantage of discounts/ that "normal"? Are these discounts/perks confusing to take advantage of?
    Thanks in advance. Keep on bloggin! I'm enjoying it very much!!! :D

  2. Hey!! I really enjoyed being a Tanker's Wife, and 5 years ago, they were downsizing the tankers so he decided to go mechanic, and he REGRETS it. He loved being a Tanker. I am not sure how it is now in a tanker unit because that's all that was in the unit was tanker's but when they made the Brigade Combat Teams, they added different pieces of MOS together, so I am not sure the unit morale is the same as it was! Well some people choose not to, or it is a hassle you know when you get something discounted or free usually it takes a long time or it is crowded. So if you can be patient and wait, then it will pay off but if you value your time, it equals out you know. I remember we would get to go out on family day and see the tankers shoot, oh it WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE! I am so glad that our oldest saw that part of the Army too.

    Thanks keep on reading! I love followers, tell your friends.


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