My Beginning Embroidery Journey

Next let me tell you...Once a design is made and completed, you will need to save the design in a format that the machine can work with, for example, PES format. That is the format my machine uses. Different embroidery software have different native file formats, and you should take the time to learn the one used with your software. In the software’s native format, the design is easier to edit if the need emerges in future. Once this is done, you can transfer the file to the embroidery machine. This needs to be done when the file is already saved in the native format of the software. The information can be fed to the machine via a USB cable.
Let me tell you an embroidery machines are able to create stitches through a mechanism involving the top thread and the bobbin thread. The bobbin thread is located at the bottom of the material being stitched and gets the thread from the top thread, in this way creating a loop. Once you have completed the framing, you should start the embroidery machine running and let it run till the stitching is complete. You should monitor the progress of the designing. This means you need to BABY SIT the machine...every time I am not paying attention to it, something happens and I have to go back.. so I have gotten a little better and deciding where the machine left off...but not the best...yet.. The computer will direct the embroidery arm of the machine, and will only stop once you make the order. Some machines have only one needle, and this means one color needs to be completed before the machine can start on the next. You will, therefore, have to monitor closely so that you can know when to switch the needles. Normally, the computer will stop once the machine is done stitching one color, and you will need to switch the colors for it to continue.

Stay tuned until I post my next adventure.
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