Military Families United
Have you heard about Military Families United? I was lucky to be selected as their Regional Manager for the NOVA area for the Gold Star Registry. Military Families United is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to Honor the Fallen, Support Those Who Fight, and Serve Their Families. We are a national coalition of Gold Star and Blue Star families, veterans, and patriotic Americans who share a deep appreciation for our men and women in uniform and support them in their mission to keep America safe. Founded in 2005 to provide an avenue for military families to remind the nation of the importance of supporting our military and the mission they had been given to accomplish, we expanded to provide charitable programs that offer families direct support. Through a portfolio of unique services, events, and advocacy programs, we seek to ensure that future generations of Americans will never forget the sacrifices of our courageous military and that these men and women and their families receive the support they need.
They are here to Honor. Support. Serve.
I met Brynn a few years ago when I was at Fort Bragg, and I told her to send me information so I could pass it out to my networks when I was a FRSA....Military Families United is a national coalition of Gold Star and Blue Star families, veterans and patriotic Americans whose mission is to Honor the Fallen, Support Those Who Fight, and Serve Their Families..
I bet you didn't know they have a scholarships for Military Families, which is provided by MFU and The Art Institutes Partner to Provide Scholarships to Spouses of Armed Forces Members.
Please stop by the website today!!!
They are here to Honor. Support. Serve.

The program I help manage and do outreach is for, the National Gold Star Family Registry is the first comprehensive database of the United States’ fallen Heroes and their families ever developed. Whether they gave their life in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, or another conflict, the Registry is a place to ensure their memory will live on. The Registry affords family members the opportunity to publicly remember their Hero, giving future generations a sense of who these brave Americans were—not only how they died, but, more importantly, how they lived
Become a Member, Military Families United has a powerful voice—yours. Our members are Gold Star Families, Blue Star Families, veterans, and patriotic Americans who care about our men and women in uniform and want to make a difference.
I bet you didn't know they have a scholarships for Military Families, which is provided by MFU and The Art Institutes Partner to Provide Scholarships to Spouses of Armed Forces Members.
Please stop by the website today!!!
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