Pillsbury POTLUCK Army Wives Party

So I had a Pillsbury Potluck Dinner Party with my neighbors out here on Fort Bragg and we had a great time, we tried the :

4 Army Wives and friends came together to just have a good time and relax. We had about 11 people total for the potluck! Everything was so yummy, I tell you I really liked the tomato-pesto appetizers they were the easiest to make, and my crescent spirals were more like crescent rectangles LOL but still it tasted heavenly! It was pretty easy I also made the Barbeque and Slaw biscuits, which tasted great. All the appetizers that were made only took less than 30 minutes to make, and only use like 5 ingredients. This foods are PERFECT to whip together when family and friends drop by the house during the holidays or anytime!

Yvette, Melody and Jackie all participated, and we even had our kids as taste testers. I want to thank all my neighbors for participating in this event at Army Tankers Wife.com... I look forward to more potlucks! All my party VIP guests got five Pillsbury VIP coupons as a thank you and so that they can share them with family and friends. They even wrote down what they made and I passed out the cards so we could share the recipes.

I would like to disclose that the product, prize pack, and information have all been

provided by Pillsbury through MyBlogSpark. 


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