Wow this has been a hard time for the military

With the 10 year anniversary of 9-11 right around the corner, this has been such a hard year for the US and military. I have been engaged in several National Security classes this summer and the world outside the US has been scary, political unrest in several Middle-Eastern Countries, civil wars, famine in Africa.

This year has been pretty action-packed from the deaths of members of the Military, to the possible government shutdowns. There has been so much talk about budget deficits, pay cuts, and military spending, etc. My husband always tells me, "You shouldn't worry about military pay unless I worry" and I tell you what he was really scared twice this year that we were not going to get paid. We were terrified that we could not pay our monthly financial obligations to the creditors. We just didn’t have it in savings. Due to our daughter’s illness, our savings account has been on the decline. You know when you add up trips to different specialists and hospitals it gets expensive.

The American people have been dealing with the government shutdown since this past April 2011 and then here recently again in August. There were no easy agreements that were reached in a suitable amount of time, each side acted very childish and the military along with the citizens of the United States were left in limbo. I personally think that with all this transpiring our military members should deserve the respect and get paid on time. Our service members are putting their lives on the line, spending time away from home and are fighting this Global War on Terrorism. We as family members should not have to worry about if the bills are going to get paid. We already accrue enough stress as it is during regular deployments.

However there are a few Senators and Representatives that are looking out for us and I commend them for standing up. I have been in support of this bill Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act when it was introduced in April 2011, This bill only has 80 cosponsors in the U.S. Senate and 201 cosponsors in the House of Representatives we should get more support. I urge you to educate yourself, your family and friends on issues that pertain to us. I think the best thing we can do as responsible citizens is contact your local US Congressmen in your districts (US Senators and US Representatives). Let them know how you feel and what you think should be done. Trust me I talk to my Congressman all the time, as a matter of fact I talk to several, and let them know what I have been hearing. Keep in mind the greater the struggle, the greater the reward.


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