Making a road trip fun, without your soldier
As I sit here and write, I know this summer is going to be a rollercoaster full of ups and downs. By the time you read this my next adventure as an Army Spouse will have already begun. My husband and I came to the conclusion that life does go on and we must carry on in his absence. This new chapter in this book is going to be great. One lesson I have learned, my life is far from being normal and to expect the unexpected. This year is going to be a great one, as I know I am going to travel!
So as we began to pack for our first trip, here are some tips that have helped me deal with 3 kids in one car under the age of 10. I try to pack different snacks for each of the kids; these are totally different than the ones they get at home. This makes the trip special and makes them want to go on more trips. I also have a PSP (play station portable), a iPod touch and a very newly iPad. I have movies on each one and headphones so they will each have something to watch and play with. However I don’t give it to them right away in the trip. Usually they get bored with high tech gadgets on first part of the trip.
Also be prepared to stop often especially with 3 kids, I try to have them used the potty at each rest stop. But if you live in my household you often get put on that pay no mind list. However with kids on the side of the road to potty is hilarious, especially since my son is now potty trained. Pack plenty of juice boxes and water, soda is not a good idea for kids to drink on a road trip. Too much sugar, especially for you as the parents or you will be beating your head on the steering wheel!
Also just have fun this should be something your kids will remember and look back on.
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