Choose Your Own Adventure: Which one is yours?

I was recently contacted by the National Guard to help reach the readers about their new application. The application, titled Adventures, integrates with Facebook Connect and puts the user in a decision based situation in a personal video experience. 

This new app is called, Adventures is based on the popular Choose Your Own Adventure style of books and will allow users to make real-time decisions that control the outcome of various missions.  This interactive experience exposes users to the many different jobs and roles available.  It also showcases the pride developed as a Soldier in the National Guard.

The National Guard recognizes the impact of social media and its ability to connect with young men and women around the country, and hopes this application will demonstrate what being a part of the National Guard is like.  For those who may know someone who is interested in joining the National Guard some of the benefits are the job training, cash bonuses (on top of the paycheck) and educational opportunities that you can’t receive anywhere else. You can find additional information on the Facebook Page of the National Guard. 


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