So I know I have talked about Careers before but...

Ok so you all know for about a month now there has been a hiring freeze in the Federal Government. Or maybe you didn't know, there is a HIRING FREEZE in the Federal Government. I am working in the federal government as an intern, and looking for a job when I graduate.

Which is terrible for me because I am looking for a job not necessary a job but a career. When I was in my early 20s I decided to take the family route, instead of pursuing my career. It wasn't a hard decision, I met my husband, I fell head over heels in love with him and was like we can make anything work, just as long as we have each other! HA HA so not saying I regret that decision, I should have not waited so long to go back to graduate school.

Here I am in my early 30s and I am at this road again in my life, where I am about to graduate with no job perspectives what so ever! NONE, for one the hiring freeze is severely affecting my ability to get a job. (2) Not having a competitive criteria in the federal hiring is another, I can be qualified out the wazoo but if I don't have a special appointing authority (already in the system, a milspouse with EX orders 13473 or 12721, it won't help me a spouse who has been stationed at Bragg since 2006, a veteran, or disabled veteran) I can't get a job.

There are no jobs even in Fayetteville, and I am back to where I started 10 years ago, at square one, which makes me think I am the smartest un-employed person ever. Now I can get volunteer positions, but a paying position one wants to pay me a salary! Go figure I don't even ask for insurance or benefits I ask for just a salary..


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