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Need some Holiday Cookie Exchange tips?
Holiday Cookie Exchange
You bake one kind of cookie, you end up with a flavorful assortment to last through the holidays―that’s the idea behind a cookie exchange. Here’s how to organize one.
- Invite friends. Remember, you’ll be baking enough cookies for every guest to take home, so don’t invite the entire neighborhood. Shoot for eight to 10 friends who like to bake and who will have fun spending an evening together.
- Determine how much everyone will make. Typically, guests bake a dozen cookies for every attendee. But a half dozen would work if the party is large (say, more than 10 participants) or if you just want a sampling of treats, not enough to feed an army over the holidays.
- Set ground rules. Let guests know what the parameters are—such as, cookies should be made from scratch and holiday-themed.
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